Hope and Fran love training their dogs. Small dogs, big dogs, every dog is happy when they know what's expected of them. Products that Hope and Fran find invaluable when training their dogs can be found on the
Trainers' Choice Products page.
Check out
2-Minute-Trainer.com for ongoing tips, guides, puppy basics, lessons, videos and more with Hope and Fran. The guides that are here on GollyGear.com are 2-Minute-Trainer.com guides.
And both you and your dog will get more out of your training when you track your training sessions. Whether you're training household basics or competing at a high level in Obedience, a Training Log can save you time and effort.
ByGolly-Publishing.com describes all the logs, books, and guides created by Hope and Fran that are available on Amazon.