Tag Archives: boston terrier

Sleeping dogs

Fran on Friday

Thinking is hard work!

Tired Booker after class

Is there anything more restful than having a sleeping dog? I don’t think so. As with most Fridays, traffic has slowed down this afternoon. Tango is napping in a bed (we have many scattered about the office – which is amazing, since the office is quite tiny) and Booker is snoring behind me on the chair. I don’t want to disturb Booker, but his little snorts are putting me to sleep!

Tango has had a busy week. School on Tuesday and work on Thursday and Friday. wrapngo_tngo_redpldsd_smWe don’t often use Tango as a model because it’s very difficult to get a good picture of a black dog. But he’s our smallest and we needed a model for the new Red Plaid Wrap-N-Go harness, so he was recruited! Hope reminded me that it’s easier to photograph him now because he’s turning (prematurely) gray!

And Booker had school last night and a couple of vigorous training / play sessions today. Rough life, right? So I have the radio turned up, bouncing along to Taylor Swift, working and trying to ignore Booker’s snores. I may have to wake him up, now that I think of it – I want him to sleep tonight!

A picnic for people and dogs

Yesterday was our dog obedience club’s annual picnic. It’s kind of like a pot-luck – the club procures the “entree” and everybody brings side dishes, appetizers, drinks, desserts, etc. to share. By picnic’s end, if you’re not stuffed to the gills, you’re not trying. Torque, Booker and Revel

It’s the only time in the year that we all get together and just let our dogs play. We’re lucky enough to have a member with a beautiful, spacious, and full-fenced yard, so all the dogs can just run around, chase balls, chase each other, and have a wonderful time.

Torque and Booker loved playing with five-month-old Portuguese Water Dog puppy Revel – she’s a sweetie pie and we think Booker’s more than a bit smitten. There were over a dozen dogs there – with no fighting or any other issues.

One big reasocrate_townn for that is “crate town.” Everybody has portable crates for their dogs. When we’re involved in competitions, we want our dogs to be able to relax. And, frankly, we want to be able to go the bathroom. So we all have these collapsible crates and seem to just set up “crate town” whenever we get together. It makes eating a picnic meal from the plate on your lap much easier when no cold, wet, nose is trying to assess the fare.

Shoot the dogs


Teddy helping Hope with a product photo shoot.

Here at the shop we like to use our own pictures for all of our products – that way we know how things fit, know what they look and feel like, etc. We’ve even been known to taste the dog treats ourselves – just so we know.

Our setup isn’t very fancy. As a matter of fact, it’s pretty primitive. We finally did get some lights to use while we’re shooting, although we prefer natural daylight, it’s not always possible, especially on gloomy days.

And of course we use our own dogs for models. Teddy’s a pro – he’s been at it since he was a little baby boy. Booker’s getting pretty darn good at it, too. Tango and Torque? Problematic. Taking pictures of black dogs is never easy and, despite years of practice, we still have some difficulties.

teddy_peekingOne thing we’ve learned is to shoot lots and lots and lots of pictures. With flash, without flash, in just about every mode we can think of. And still we may, or may not, come up with a picture that shows the product and the puppy properly.

So if you see lots of Booker and Teddy on our site – you’ll know why. It’s not that they’re the favorite sons – it’s that their coloring allows us to get good pictures!

Torque likes to watch

torque_birdwatchingTorque is the first dog I’ve ever owned that is a bird watcher. He just sits in the yard and watches the birds fly by. Or, when he hears them sing, chirp, chatter, etc., he looks around to find where the sound is coming from and sits there, watching.

He also watches airplanes. And butterflies. And bugs. He doesn’t chase them, he doesn’t try to follow them, he just watches. This time of year, when the fireflies are out, he’s absolutely mesmerized when he goes out around sunset, watching the flickering dance around the yard.

We had a Boston Terrier (Daemon) years ago who would chase one bee (or wasp) per year. Each spring he would chase and catch a single bee. Which is why we always bought a new package of Benadryl to have on hand – because he invariably caught it, got stung, and his face would start to swell up. And that would be the last one he tried for that year. Every winter he would forget and do it again the next spring. According to Albert Einstein, he was probably crazy:  “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”