Tag Archives: Tango

Notice your dogs – everything about them

Once every week Fran and I gather our four dogs and commit “ablutions” on them.

Whether they like it or not, the get mani/pedis, teeth brushed, faces washed, ears cleaned, etc. This is in addition to a few times a week brushing.

It’s a pain in schedule trying to find time for it every week. And until they’re used to the routine, it’s incredibly time consuming when they’re puppies. Torque was a screamer for ears. Booker has incredible “twitch” muscles when we’re doing his nails. I’ve dremeled my thumb instead of his claws on more than one occasion.

But when you take responsibility for an animal, you do it all the way. You make sure they’re fed, warm, clean, and healthy. And this week we’re especially glad we take the time and effort to take a really good look at each of the boys.

Tango is a scruffy-looking nerf herder at the best of times. When he’s between groomings, it can be hard to see his eyes. But, like lots of fuzzy dogs, he reduces down to otter-like when he’s wet. And this week we noticed an opaque, reddish spot on his eye. We knew immediately that it

The red spot on Tango's eye.

The red spot on Tango’s eye.

required a trip to the vet the next day.

Fortunately, at the moment, the vet thinks it’s a result of dry eye, possibly from allergies. It doesn’t seem to be an injury and we’re treating it with medication for the next week to see how it goes. He may need to be on eye drops/ointment the rest of his life.

And that’s really good news. Because whatever the spot is, we saw it early in its development. And at least now, we’ve avoided surgery. But the point is, Tango never bothered his eye, never rubbed his face, never got watery eyes, never seemed to squint or blink excessively. We noticed it because we make it a point to notice our dogs at least once a week. Tip of the nose to tip of their tails – we take notice.

Back to reality

Fran on Friday –

042912tangooutsideSorry, I missed a couple of weeks. I had the wonderful opportunity to travel to the Florida Keys with Tango and Booker! Not Key West, but Marathon, in the Middle Keys. If you’ve never been to the Keys, it’s like the Caribbean but in the US! Laid back and friendly, but with all the comforts of home. Plus, the locals speak American English. The seafood is tremendous, and you can drink the water!

Tango and Booker had a great time – we took multiple long walks every day. It was warm and breezy most days. We sat in the shade in the late afternoon. I read my book, Tango barked at people passing by, and Booker dozed. We all had fun.

But now, it’s back to reality. Routines are good. It was great to get away and recharge, but now it’s back to work, training and family. Booker seems to have remembered how to weave (whew!) and Tango, after a little refresher, remembered where “heel” position is.

But it’s supposed to snow tonight and tomorrow, and temperatures will be in the 20s. I’m used to the 80s, so this is a true shock to my system. I’m sure I’ll get used to it, but in the meantime, it’s just rude!

Sleeping dogs

Fran on Friday

Thinking is hard work!

Tired Booker after class

Is there anything more restful than having a sleeping dog? I don’t think so. As with most Fridays, traffic has slowed down this afternoon. Tango is napping in a bed (we have many scattered about the office – which is amazing, since the office is quite tiny) and Booker is snoring behind me on the chair. I don’t want to disturb Booker, but his little snorts are putting me to sleep!

Tango has had a busy week. School on Tuesday and work on Thursday and Friday. wrapngo_tngo_redpldsd_smWe don’t often use Tango as a model because it’s very difficult to get a good picture of a black dog. But he’s our smallest and we needed a model for the new Red Plaid Wrap-N-Go harness, so he was recruited! Hope reminded me that it’s easier to photograph him now because he’s turning (prematurely) gray!

And Booker had school last night and a couple of vigorous training / play sessions today. Rough life, right? So I have the radio turned up, bouncing along to Taylor Swift, working and trying to ignore Booker’s snores. I may have to wake him up, now that I think of it – I want him to sleep tonight!

Distractions and step stools

Fran on Friday

Tango sitting on his stool

Tango sitting on his stool

Tango is weird. There, I said it! He is the most fidgety dog on the planet. He absolutely will not stay still. For anything. And that’s a problem when you’re trying to do obedience. Even rally. Because there are times when the dog must stay still for seconds, or minutes, at a time.

So we’re working on Tango staying still. One way is to have him sit on a small step stool. A very small stool. Any movement and he’ll fall off! I’m giving Tango cookies while he’s on the stool – one after another. So he’s learning to sit still. If he wants cookies, he’s sitting still! And it seems to be working – so far…