Torque’s a hog

My dogs sleep with me. In my bed. Under the covers and everything.

Well, Teddy sleeps peacefully and calmly under the covers at my left side. Sometimes he’s in touch, most if the time it’s enough for him to be nearby.

Torque, on the other hand, is taking some time to get our routine worked out. One of the dilemmas is that he “runs hot.” I don’t know if it’s because he was a winter baby, or just his metabolism, but he’s always much warmer than Teddy – or me.

Things start out fine. We all get in bed and snuggle down. But Torque not only has to be touching, he makes it his business to be smashed right up against me, the entire  length of his back against my side. And then I get too warm and inch away. And Torque snuggles right back into me. And I inch away. And he inches back. Until Teddy, on my other side, is smashed against the wall.

We sort this out – basically I shove Torque back over to the other side and reclaim the middle for myself. And then Torque gets too hot and climbs out from under the covers and smashes up against me on top of the covers. And the inching starts again. Until Teddy and I are, once again, smack up against the wall and Torque not only has the center of the bed, but all the covers.

So I wake up, cold, coverless and smushing Teddy. And shove Torque back over, yank the covers out from under him. Tenderly cover Teddy. And the inching starts again.

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