Bloody mess

Yesterday evening after class (Rally for Torque, Novice Obedience for Teddy) I parked in the garage when I got home. It’s not my usual habit – Fran usually has the garage spot. But she’s out of town, and when the sister’s away….

So close he could taste it.

So close he could taste it.

So, anyway. Our garage isn’t attached to the house, it’s on the alley. I thought it would be a good idea to put the dogs in the back yard, then collect all the crap (water bowl, water, treats, rally map, etc.) that accumulates for class. Give them a potty break before going inside.
Turns out I should have taken a turn around the yard before letting them out. In the one little out-of-sight corner of the yard, where, naturally, the dogs like to go to do their business, there was a bunny. Torque headed right to that corner, got surprised by the bunny and came running back like a bat out of hell. I don’t think he was really frightened, just surprised.
But Teddy realized that something fascinating made his brother start. And went after it like the true hunting dog he’s really not.
Have you ever heard a rabbit scream? I have. Right up there with things I never ever want to do again. I was heading back there, absolutely nothing useful in hand, when the rabbit, somewhat the worse for wear, dashed across my path and finally made it out of the yard.
Teddy came dashing after it, but didn’t catch it. I think the only reason he was able to lay tooth on it was because it was trapped by the fence.
So I spent an unpleasant time washing blood off Teddy, most of it not his. He does have one small wound to show for the encounter, and a bunch of tufts of rabbit fur in the back yard that I had to clean up.
I guess this qualifies as one of the yuckier parts of owning a dog. Teddy was being a dog and the rabbit was being a stupid rabbit. If they were bright creatures they wouldn’t have to breed like rabbits to maintain the population.
But I still wish it hadn’t happened.

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