Training fail

Just like with any other endeavor, some days are better than others in dog training. torque_had_to_think

This week Torque had a terrific lesson – he was focused, attentive, and having a wonderful time. So was I.

And then there was yesterday, when nothing was going according to my plan. I just wanted to work on some simple position commands: Sit, Down, and Stand. And Torque wanted to work, desperately wanted the treats I had, wanted to play, wanted the toy I had. And yet…

It turned out to be one of those days that commands I thought he knew cold just didn’t happen. It was as if he never heard the word “Sit!” before. And when it did happen, he popped out of the sit so fast I couldn’t even reward it.

We both started to get frustrated. Torque started giving me every single behavior he knew – down, back, spin, roll, jump, bark, etc. As if he was just throwing every dart at the target hoping something would stick – “Is this it? No? How about this? Do you like this one? How about this one?”

At a certain point you know the session is a loser and have to call it quits. So we just played tug, instead.

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