Am I Proud of My Dogs?

Fran on Friday

0620_tngo_mail1You dog owners who are somewhat active on social media have probably seen posts by people who have been “tagged” to post a picture displaying their pride in being a dog owner. I was tagged today, and I had a hard time with my comments.

As most dog owners do, I have tons of pictures of my dogs and I post lots of pictures of them. Sitting, lying down, chewing on stuff, jumping, you name it. But how does my pride in being a dog owner enter into it?

Merriam-Webster’s simple definition of “pride”:

  • : a feeling that you respect yourself and deserve to be respected by other people

  • : a feeling that you are more important or better than other people

  • : a feeling of happiness that you get when you or someone you know does something good, difficult, etc.

The second definition doesn’t apply here – more important or better than others? I don’t think so. The first one – well, that goes without saying. So it comes down to the third definition. I do get a feeling of happiness when my dogs do things that are good or difficult.

I train my dogs so that they can be happy just “being.” With me, or in their crates, or at home with Hope when I’m not there. I want my dogs to be that independent, but still know that I’ll be there when they need something. I think that’s hard for some dogs.

I train my dogs to do what I tell them to do – both in the competition ring and outside of it. I think that might be easier than the hours we spend happily in each others’ company, just being.

I bring my dogs to work sometimes, and I’m lucky that I get to do that. Most of the time at work I don’t ask anything of them. Just to be. Or sometimes pose on a stupid mail table so I can take their picture (that’s Tango).

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