Picture of a fawn French Bulldog with a person's hand on its shoulder to illustrate easier without dogs.

Life’s easier without dogs

There’s no doubt about it. Life would be easier without dogs. The thought occurred when I went into the office to do something, deliberately not letting the dogs in. I excluded them the other day, too. The dogs always eat their meals in crates. I just left them there while I got the vacuuming done. Because it’s easier without dogs.

As dog owners, we all know the beasties aren’t convenient. Not tidy, either. Their timing often stinks, and, on occasion, they do, too. Especially when they’ve rolled in something we-don’t-want-to-know-what-it-was. 

Easier without dogs

Life would be easier if we didn’t have to time our absences from home. If we could grab a “go bag” and enjoy a spur-of-the-moment overnight trip. If we didn’t have to scour reservation sites for “pet friendly” lodgings. And we could disregard those “pet fees.”

Picture of a fawn French Bulldog with a person's hand on its shoulder to illustrate easier without dogs.

We wouldn’t have to care if it’s too hot in the car. Or if we have enough poop bags. And taking an entire day to shop, prep, mix, bake, portion, and freeze meals for a month would mean we’re the ones who eat well. 

Instead of the homey, gentle sounds of snoring in the office there would only be the hum of electronics. We could answer the phone and talk without fending off a persistent paw asking for attention. The office wouldn’t be an obstacle course of dog beds, toys, and chews. The entire house might be easy to maneuver. Because now it’s not.

So many changes

Without dogs, the doorbell ringing wouldn’t spark an emergency response. The door could open wide, without even thinking about narrowest gap possible. On days with lousy weather, we could go out when we needed to run errands, instead of an old-dog every-three-hours timetable. 

We could even pick up our feet and walk around like people, instead of shuffling to not step on paws. Or even back up without glancing behind to see if it was safe. It’s not now. There’s a little-old-man dog who’s always standing behind.

It would be really nice to spontaneously agree to meet a friend for drinks or dinner. When you have dogs, spontaneity is something that just doesn’t happen. You can still make the date, you just have to do some prep work. I can’t meet you in 15 minutes – it’s going to take 45.

Totally worth it

That easy life without dogs would be less expensive, more flexible, and something we want no part of. An “easy” life isn’t our aspiration. Our dogs bring so much to life, daily. There’s nothing better than, at the end of the day, sitting with that warm fuzzy body snuggled up to you. The silence would be horrible – no toenails letting us know who’s on the move. The snorting, sneezing, scratching that means there’s life in the house. The joy they share when they figure out a training puzzle. The chomping, slurping, munching sounds that mean they love the food we made.

We know that non-pet people won’t get it. They also don’t get the unconditional love we have. The comfort of soft fur on a really crappy day. Easy isn’t necessarily better. 

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4 thoughts on “Life’s easier without dogs

  1. suzanne ditsler

    Thank you for that. As I age people ask will I get another do when Jack is gone or “I know people who say they will not get another dog when their dog dies”. I really don’t care what other people do. I have not been without a dog since I was 21. That is over 50 years with one dog or another. What a blessing they each have been to my life. I would be lost without my dog. Yet, I want to be smart. I don’t want to be selfish owning a dog I cannot cook for and care for. It’s a difficult spot. I hope to have the grace to navigate it one day at a time. I doggie day at a time.

    1. Golly Gear Post author

      We understand the dilemma! We don’t ever want to be without dogs and can’t imagine life without them. But, as you say, we have to be able to care for them properly.

  2. Pamela Cox

    I agree totally! I have thought after a bit of frustration that my life would be easier without dogs. It would, but also so lonely. When I lost my first fur baby I thought I wouldn’t get another. That lasted less than a year. I couldn’t stand to be home by myself. The house was way too quiet. I ended up adopting one older dog and was asked to home an abused puppy. The evenings of squishing into my comfy chair beside a furry butt and the cuddles and snuggles are my favorite. Now I appreciate the quiet of our home not dread it.


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