Tag Archives: best dogs ever

Visitors calling?

Fran on Friday

101615_tngobkrWe had a great opportunity this morning to reinforce some training! A couple of friends stopped by to get some toys for another friend’s new dog. On Fridays I work alone here at the shop, and bring Tango and Booker (because Hope doesn’t want them at home! kidding…). We are usually able to fit in a few short training sessions during the day. Fridays tend to be less manic than other days. Tango has a history of being hostile to visitors here, but he loves being a host at home. So I turned the tables on him!

I decided that we’re home here, and he should behave himself. I armed myself and my friends with a handful of treats (very small treats so we could give a lot) and made Tango do simple behaviors. Sit, down, spin. and in no time he was responding beautifully. No insane barking. No jumping up. He watched for the next command so that he could get a treat! And of course, Booker was great as well – aside from a little shoplifting!

So, the moral of the story is – take every opportunity you can to reinforce your training. If you have visitors and they’re amenable, draft them to help with the training. Most people are more than happy to oblige!

A dog is best for…

Fran on Friday –

A dog is best for… cuddling. Saturday is my day off, and Hope usually leaves Teddy home. He doesn’t enjoy being at the shop all day, and he’s no problem at home. So after my chores are done I like to stretch out on the couch on Saturday afternoons and watch TV or read. Teddy climbs next to me and snuggles down. He really is the best cuddler. His big round head fits just perfectly at my side. Booker recognizes that both Teddy and I enjoy our Saturday afternoons and doesn’t complain, but other times Booker insists on claiming that spot for his own. But, he just doesn’t fit the same way. (I adore Booker, but I recognize truths.)

Dogs are best for catching tears. I’m at the shop and took a few minutes to read my newsfeed on Facebook. I learned that a Facebook “friend” has lost his dog. I don’t know him personally, never met him, didn’t know his dog, but learned today that the dog had an inoperable tumor 060313_bkrplayand was in severe pain, so… And Booker was here to comfort me. He didn’t know what was wrong, just sensed that I needed him. So I picked him up and held him for a few minutes until I felt more ready to face the world.

And dogs are best for removing yourself from everyday troubles. When you’re playing with your dog, don’t let anything else get in the way. For five minutes, just play.