Tag Archives: busy day

One of those days…

Fran on Friday

102513_bookertangoI didn’t think I’d have much going on today, so planned on doing a bunch of training, work on the websites… But then the phone started ringing. Not that I mind talking to our customers – I kind of like it! And our friend Lisa of Your Pet Chef came by to drop off food for the boys. And Tango was being so good – he’s usually kind of hostile to people who come to the shop. (He thinks everyone is going to steal HIS inventory!) So Lisa stayed for a bit and we chatted. I got one play session in this morning, thinking that things would settle down in the afternoon.

And then the mail carrier came. Booker always loves seeing Jose. Except that he brought two exchanges – neither of which were easy. And new inventory from one of our vendors. I like getting inventory in – that means we can sell it! And then it was past lunch time for the boys and me. During lunch the UPS driver came with 2 more packages. Well, good – more stuff to sell, and labels to print the postage on! And there was a problem with an invoice from a vendor, had to deal with that… And more phone calls from customers… And a customer came by to pick up his special order… And one of our trainers ask that I make a change to one of our websites… And where did the day go?