Tag Archives: canine flu

Raising a little social butterfly

helloTorque is six months old now. He’s a happy, bright little guy who seems to love everybody and every dog. Some he loves more than others – his favorite “aunt” is Lisa, who also happens to be the owner of Your Pet Chef and who makes and brings his food.

Not that Torque’s a chow-hound – but he is.

Socializing a puppy is so important – but it’s been a challenge with Torque. I got him at the end of December and it was one of the worst, coldest, snowiest, most awful winters in memory. So we invited some dogs we know to come and play – we’re fortunate to have the training/play ring here at the shop. I felt kind of silly arranging “play dates” for my puppy – but the options were limited.

Then, when the snow started to melt and it was possible to get out and get moving – the canine flu epidemic hit the area. There was no way I was going to allow my puppy to get anywhere near new dogs. The boarding facility where our obedience club rents space was hit hard by the flu – no classes for a month. And I was sufficiently paranoid to keep Torque out another two weeks – just to be safe.

This week Torque got to play with Sonny – a five-month-old mixed-breed puppy. The training and socialization continues and Torque still loves everybody.