Tag Archives: medical

Good news came early

tedandmeWe weren’t expecting the results of the biopsy on Teddy’s growth until later in the week. And when we saw the vet’s office number on the caller I.D., we had to brace ourselves. When we played the message – grins from ear to ear! It was benign!

There are some people in the world who lead charmed lives. They expect good things to happen and seem to get them. We’re not among them. We try to be optimists, glass-half-full people. And we’re grateful for all the good things in our lives and make the best of every situation. Generally speaking, unexpectedly good things just don’t happen for us. As an example; I was almost brought to tears when I forgot my reusable bags at our regular little produce store and the cashier, who I see every week, actually gave me one of the store’s $2.50 canvas bags.

Frankly, I was prepared for the worst with Teddy. I was a bit floored when the news came back unreservedly good. It took a while to process and the earth shifted just a bit. And now I can’t stop smiling!

And it’s also wonderful that social media allows us to celebrate together – as well as share our grief. I posted about Teddy’s news on facebook yesterday afternoon and heard from so many people it amazed me. I don’t believe the internet has separated us – I think it’s allowed us to form communities that ignore boundaries.

Waiting is the worst

teddysitEvery Sunday we routinely perform “ablutions” on our dogs. Fran’s and my four all get their nails done, teeth brush, faces washed, and ears cleaned. With the two of us working it goes pretty quickly and the dogs are all pretty good about it.

About a month ago, while brushing Teddy’s teeth, I noticed a lump on his palate. I just made a note of it and watched it. In the rough-and-tumble of dog play, anything can happen, so we don’t get too concerned about little scrapes, bruises, lumps or bumps. At least not at first.

When the bump was still there after three weeks. it was time to take him to the vet to get it checked out. We were both hoping it was some kind of infection or abscess, so we had him on antibiotics for 10 days. Still there and starting to get a little scary.

Teddy had surgery on Friday to have it removed. It’s always frightening when our dogs have to be anesthetized – especially since all of them are short-faced dogs. Fortunately Teddy came through the surgery with flying colors. He’s a bit unhappy that he’s not allowed to chew on his beloved Nylabones for a few days, but we can live with that.

The hard part now is waiting for the results of the biopsy. We’re trying to stay positive and assume it was just a benign overgrowth of gum until we hear differently. But it’s going to be a very slow week until we hear the results this Thursday.