Tag Archives: supermodel vs regular dog

Teddy, supermodel or regular dog?

Fran on Friday

perfectfit_tedfrtWe all know Teddy, Hope’s French Bulldog. He’s a show-off in the agility ring (when he wants to), and champion cuddler (with me on Saturday afternoons, napping or watching TV on the couch). He’s also Golly Gear’s superstar model. Any harness looks fabulous on Teddy. Plus, he’s light in color which makes him a dream to photograph. Teddy has a huge head, which shows up really well in pictures. He’s just a beautiful dog!

But, is he a regular dog? Does he do things regular dogs do? Well, sometimes. He loves chewing on bones. He gobbles his meals. He loves taking naps. He loves taking walks. And Teddy is very polite with people. He’ll take a treat from anyone. He’s not a fan of other dogs, except for those in his exclusive circle of friends who he’s been to training class with. But Teddy doesn’t play w092515_dirtytedith toys much. He’ll tug on a sock, the toe filled with cheese. He’ll destroy a vinyl dog toy. Teddy doesn’t play fetch. Once in a blue moon he’ll pick up a toy and bring it to Hope. More often than not, when he wants to play, he’ll just yell at me and smack his paw on the couch, which is cute as anything, but usually at inopportune times. Today we got photographic proof that Ted gets dirty! (That’s Torque, checking out Teddy’s dirt spot.)