Tag Archives: vent-hogs

Vent hogs!

Fran on Saturday (we were off yesterday!)

022714_ventYou wouldn’t know it by the temperature most of this season, but it’s winter! The temps have been unseasonably mild, and most of us here in Chicagoland are not complaining. It makes up for the last two years of Polar Vortexes that started in December. It is kind of raw out, and the furnace has been cycling. Our dogs have short hair and they feel the cold, especially if it’s a gray and gloomy day. Booker and Teddy, especially, love to lie in front of the vent when the furnace is on and soak up the heat. Torque doesn’t seem to be as sensitive as his “brothers,” though. Once in a while I’ll see him stretched out next to his siblings. I’m not sure, though, if it’s for the heat or the companionship. They’re certainly cute, but they’re blocking the heat from getting to the rest of the room! My bedroom is their favorite room to lie in front of the vent. I have to remember to turn the light on when I go in my room to get something, otherwise I’m liable to trip over one of the dogs! The vent is right by the door, and if I’m just getting something off the shelf or dropping something on my bed to put away later, I may not turn the light on! I have to remember to tread cautiously!