Tag Archives: winter in april

Snow got you down? Play with your dog!

Fran on Friday

Tango in the snow.Here in the Chicago area it’s been a crummy weather week. Cold and rainy and snowy. Sleeting and windy. Graupel (?!) falling from the sky, as well as big, fat flakes of regular snow. And it’s April. We didn’t have a bad winter, it’s true, so I feel kind of bad complaining about the weather now. But a week without sunshine is bound to get anyone down. And snow in April? On more than one occasion? Let’s go on strike!

bookertugfox1Better yet, play with your dog! Inside, sure – because it’s not snowy inside. And the temperature is controlled. Get down on the floor and play with your dog. Run around and chase your dog. Let him chase you! Throw a ball and race him to it. He’ll win, but he’ll love you even more for trying! Then throw the ball and let him chase it alone. Maybe he’ll bring it back. If not, go chase him! You’ll both have fun. You’ll smile and act like a kid. You’ll reinforce the bond that exists between you. And you’ll have a tired dog at the end of it. He’ll be ready to take a nap, and you can have that well-deserved cup of hot chocolate. In April. Ridiculous.