Tag Archives: dog habits

Tale of the tongue: Why dogs lick

Some people love it when their dogs lick them, or other family members – both human and animal. We’re not those people. Our dogs know the command “Kiss!” which means one swipe of the tongue and that’s it. We’re done.

That doesn’t mean they are. All the dogs, to varying degrees, have licking habits. 

Photo of four dogs to illustrate why dogs lick
Simon, Tango, Booker, and Torque

Simon (Boston Terrier) licks walls, floors, and furniture backs. It’s weird, but he stops when we tell him to.

Booker licks dog beds. While he’s in them. 

Tango only licks when he has a runny nose. He’s also not allowed to lick us.

Torque is the most obnoxious about licking. He licks the other dogs. He licks his paws. He’ll basically lick anything within reach. 

Why do dogs lick?

There are lots of reasons dogs lick. The first and most important one is because they love you. It’s a sign of true affection.

Licking is also soothing. Dogs use both licking and chewing as soothers – either when they’re tense, or anxious, or in calming mode. 

Among other reasons dogs lick; to get your attention, to let you know they’re paying attention, and just because you taste good!

Medical reasons

There are also health issues that prompt dogs to lick. 

Like our Tango, dogs will lick when they’re congested. We wish he’d use a tissue, but we know that’s not something we can train. If it persists, or they get sicker, it’s time to seek veterinary help. 

Dogs will also lick when they feel nauseous. This is a different kind of licking, and often goes along with drooling. 

In Torque’s case, like many dogs, he licks because he itches from allergies. Dogs will lick their paws when they have both contact and inhalant allergies, so rinsing their paws doesn’t always help. Consult your veterinarian if you notice your dog’s licking behavior tends to increase at certain times of the year.

What to do about it

If your dog’s healthy and comfortable, there’s no reason to do anything about licking. If you’re not crazy about them licking you, give them something that’s okay for them to lick. Our very first dog, a Boston Terrier named Spunky, would gather up his blanket in his paws every night, suck on it, and sing himself to sleep. It was one of the cutest things ever. If it’s okay with you – it’s okay.

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